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Should the church look like this?

Saturday June 12, 2010, I hung out with my best man Brandon in downtown Silver Spring. We broke bread at Eggspectation. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE EGGSPECTATION! However, the only thing I get from there is their crabdip. IT IS D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S! OMG. I honestly don't believe there is any other crabdip out there touching it! I digress...

We conversed about alot of things that evening. Everything such as our walks with the Lord, careers, education, relationships with our fathers, and the list goes on. Great Convo! The evening didn't end until a little after 10pm and I was headed down Georgia Ave/7th Street and I couldn't help but to notice a mob of people outside a club. I couldn't remember what the name of the club was though. I do remember going there some years ago to party. The funny thing about clubs in D.C. is the locations really don't change. So, for a certain amount of years one spot would be called "Club A" and that'll close down. A couple years later, another club will open up in the same spot just under another name and new management. Nonetheless, I just remember going there.

As I stated earlier, I noticed the line of folks waiting to get in the club and it had to be atleast 2-3 blocks long. When I saw that, I instantly asked myself, "Why doesn't the church look like this on Sunday mornings?" meaning "Why aren't people lined up ready to go to the Lord's house?" mainly in the area of young adults. I also asked myself, "What do clubs/lounges offer that the church doesn't?" This is a place where any and everybody goes where you can be who you are, dance and have a great time, and think nothing of it. So I kept pondering and two things I was able to think of after wrestling with this for the last couple of hours were these:

Community & Acceptance- The theme song for the television show "Cheers" comes to my mind. I don't know if Gary Portnoy and Judy Heart Angelo knew they were on to something regarding the community & acceptance/relational aspect for the church. LOL, The entire song never made the show, but the main part we all know goes, "Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name. And they're always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same You wanna be where everybody knows Your name. You wanna go where people know, people are all the same, You wanna go where everybody knows your name." Pretty moving lyrics when talking about COMMUNITY and ACCEPTANCE. I believe this to be a HUGE piece when it comes to young adults actively walking with Christ. They want to be in an environment just like Cheers. Everyone knows me, glad to see me, and where my troubles are looked at on an even level playing field not being judged. (1 Corinthians 9:19-23 John 13:34-35)

Now, all that to say, I'm not saying that ALL churches aren't doing this. What I'm saying is, hearing from some youth and young adults who are in the process of or already have walked away from the faith, these are two big reasons as to why. Regardless of one's past, present struggles, looks, or status; we ought to be a body that has no criteria for those who want to be apart. If that be the case, we are also commanded to love the person; hate the behavior. When that happens, we are living proof of John 13: 34-35. "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." This scripture is penetrating my heart because what if God had a criteria for me to become His child? And I know for a FACT, I have plenty of FLAWS! If He loves us unconditionally, we must love others as He loves us.

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